Ihnatowicz, Maria Mucha | 1980/2021 | Grown Up Son


Grown Up Son (Dorosly Syn) is a Polish film poster, originally designed by the wonderfully talented female artist Maria Mucha Ihnatowicz in 1980. We’re super proud to have printed a limited edition run of 500 lithographs of this very special poster with kind permission from Maria Mucha Ihnatowicz herself. It’s just beautiful.

This vintage Polish poster design has been lovingly litho printed on beautiful matte GF Smith paper Munken Pure Rough 170gsm here in the UK.

B2 size: 49 x 69 cm


Grown Up Son (Dorosly Syn) is a Polish film poster, originally designed by the wonderfully talented female artist Maria Mucha Ihnatowicz in 1980. We’re super proud to have printed a limited edition run of 500 lithographs of this very special poster with kind permission from Maria Mucha Ihnatowicz herself. It’s just beautiful.

This vintage Polish poster design has been lovingly litho printed on beautiful matte GF Smith paper Munken Pure Rough 170gsm here in the UK.

B2 size: 49 x 69 cm

Grown Up Son (Dorosly Syn) is a Polish film poster, originally designed by the wonderfully talented female artist Maria Mucha Ihnatowicz in 1980. We’re super proud to have printed a limited edition run of 500 lithographs of this very special poster with kind permission from Maria Mucha Ihnatowicz herself. It’s just beautiful.

This vintage Polish poster design has been lovingly litho printed on beautiful matte GF Smith paper Munken Pure Rough 170gsm here in the UK.

B2 size: 49 x 69 cm

Swierzy, Waldemar | 1969/2023 | Come to Poland for Camping
Flisak, Jerzy | 1958/2021 | Roman Holiday
Mlodozeniec, Jan | 1970 Reprint | Barbarella
Neugebauer, Jacek | 1976 | Song for a Penny
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Hilscher, Hubert | 1966/2023 | Tiger on a Hoop
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