Urbaniec, Maciej | 1965/2017 | The Peace Tour


Maciej Urbaniec designed this striking Polish poster in 1965 for a cycling event called ‘The Peace Tour’, which was known as the Tour de France of the East. It was jointly organised by Czechoslovakia, the Polish People’s Republic and East Germany as a way to relieve tensions post-war and ran from 1948 to 2006. The broad brush strokes so beautifully evoke a hopeful sense of moving forward with purpose and in unity.

This is an official limited edition (c.500), which was printed in Poland with kind permission from Maciej Urbaniec’s family.

Polish B1 size: 67.5 x 98 cm

Note from the printing house in Poland: “Our offset prints are made on matte paper similar to the original. We keep the poster formats from the period, we try to faithfully reproduce the colours of old prints. Small editions, limited to 500 copies, respect all copyrights belonging to the graphic artists or their heirs.”


Maciej Urbaniec designed this striking Polish poster in 1965 for a cycling event called ‘The Peace Tour’, which was known as the Tour de France of the East. It was jointly organised by Czechoslovakia, the Polish People’s Republic and East Germany as a way to relieve tensions post-war and ran from 1948 to 2006. The broad brush strokes so beautifully evoke a hopeful sense of moving forward with purpose and in unity.

This is an official limited edition (c.500), which was printed in Poland with kind permission from Maciej Urbaniec’s family.

Polish B1 size: 67.5 x 98 cm

Note from the printing house in Poland: “Our offset prints are made on matte paper similar to the original. We keep the poster formats from the period, we try to faithfully reproduce the colours of old prints. Small editions, limited to 500 copies, respect all copyrights belonging to the graphic artists or their heirs.”

Maciej Urbaniec designed this striking Polish poster in 1965 for a cycling event called ‘The Peace Tour’, which was known as the Tour de France of the East. It was jointly organised by Czechoslovakia, the Polish People’s Republic and East Germany as a way to relieve tensions post-war and ran from 1948 to 2006. The broad brush strokes so beautifully evoke a hopeful sense of moving forward with purpose and in unity.

This is an official limited edition (c.500), which was printed in Poland with kind permission from Maciej Urbaniec’s family.

Polish B1 size: 67.5 x 98 cm

Note from the printing house in Poland: “Our offset prints are made on matte paper similar to the original. We keep the poster formats from the period, we try to faithfully reproduce the colours of old prints. Small editions, limited to 500 copies, respect all copyrights belonging to the graphic artists or their heirs.”

Urbaniec, Maciej | 1966 | The Peace Tour
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